PokmonSword and Shield: Isle of Armor Diglett locations and map

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Saturday, July 20, 2024

In the latest Pokémon Sword and Shield expansion, Isle of Armor, you’ll start your adventure off early with a simple but time consuming side quest. As you make your way from the station to the dojo right behind it, you’ll come across a bridge leading you to the martial arts facility.

However, before you get to cross, you run across an Alolan Diglett blocking your path. As you unearth it, a friendly trainer comes by to tell you that this Pokémon is one of many currently scattered across the small island. After a quick conversation, he asks you to take the time to uncover the location of the other 150 hiding throughout the various biomes.

To spot an Alolan Diglett, look for their telltale hair sticking out of the ground. Doing so might be a bit challenging as their little locks look like blades of grass from afar.

Each section of the Isle of Armor has various amounts of Diglett hidden around. As you find them, the Diglett will return to their trainer and the game will tell you how many more Pokémon are left in that particular area. In this guide, we’ll have detailed maps for each section of the Isle of Armor showing you the location of each Diglett accompanied by a screenshot and explanation for where to find them.

Table of contents

Fields of Honor Diglett locations - 19

The first area you start in, the Fields of Honor, has 19 Diglett. Below we’ll show the location of each Diglett in the Fields of Honor.

Diglett 001

You encounter your first at the very start of the side quest, at the bridge in front of the dojo.

Diglett 002

Head south from the bridge and at the edge of the beach and you’ll find this Diglett in the sand.

Diglett 003 and 004

This pair is found next to the station near these trees.

Diglett 005

Hidden among the boxes in front of the station.

Diglett 006

Overlooking the beach.

Diglett 007

On the right side of the bridge near the dojo.

Diglett 008

Behind the big rock in this grassy area.

Diglett 009

On the other side of the bridge, near these red flowers.

Diglett 010

On the cliff overlooking the sea.

Diglett 011

Outside the garden to the right of the dojo entrance.

Diglett 012

Inside the dirt patch to the right of the dojo entrance.

Diglett 013

Next to this tree, next to the den overlooking the ocean in the dojo area.

Diglett 014

Overlooking the entrance to the Soothing Wetlands.

Diglett 015

Behind this rock near the dojo entrance.

Diglett 016

In the dirt facing the dojo entrance.

Diglett 017

Hidden in the grass on the left near the entrance to the the Soothing Wetlands.

Diglett 018

In the far end of the beach, hidden in the red flowers.

Diglett 019

Overlooking the river near the cave.

Soothing Wetlands Diglett locations - 20

The Soothing Wetlands has 20 hidden Diglett.

Diglett 020

Near a tree on the left side of the entrance to this area.

Diglett 021

Near a small lake on the west side of this area next to the yellow grass.

Diglett 022

At the edge of the small lake on the west side of this area.

Diglett 023

At the edge of the river on the west side of this area.

Diglett 024

Near some trees and red flowers on the north side of the western river.

Diglett 025

Near a large rock near the north side of the western river.

Diglett 026

Near the yellow grass on the left before the entrance of the Forest of Focus.

Diglett 027

Near some yellow grass north of the large lake in the center of this area.

Diglett 028

Near some red flowers on the west side before the entrance to Brawler’s Cave.

Diglett 029

Next to the tree in the center of the main lake.

Diglett 030

Hidden in some green grass facing the entrance to Brawler’s Cave.

Diglett 031

Near some yellow flowers on the east side of the lake with the tree in the center.

Diglett 032

Hidden in the yellow flowers in front of the log against the cliff in the south of this area.

Diglett 033

In the grass facing the tree in the lake on its east side.

Diglett 034

Near the tree with the red flowers on the west side of the tree in the lake.

Diglett 035

Behind the log near the river on the west side of this area.

Diglett 036

Near one of the longer lakes with a log in it on the east side next to a tree and yellow grass.

Diglett 037

Next to the two logs laying next to each other in the northeast area.

Diglett 038

In an open area in the west near some yellow grass.

Diglett 039

Next to the red flowers near the trainer standing next to a tree.

Courageous Cavern Diglett locations - 7

The Courageous Cave has seven Diglett to find.

Diglett 040

Walk into the entrance of the cavern from the Fields of Honor and keep going straight. The Diglett is next to the entrance to the next area.

Diglett 041

If you came in through the Fields of Honor entrance, you’ll find this one against a wall facing the entrance to the Soothing Wetlands.

Diglett 042

In the middle of the cave, there’s an entrance to a lower area. The Diglett is next to this rock.

Diglett 043

Beyond the area where Diglett 042 hides, there’s an even lower area with three dens where this Diglett is hanging out.

Diglett 044

This one is on a small ledge on the opposite side of the river near the entrance to Loop Lagoon in the southern part of the cave. Ride up to it with your bike to unearth it.

Diglett 045

This one is next to the entrance to the cave leading to Loop Lagoon in the southern part of the cave.

Diglett 046

Ride through the river from the Fields of Honor entrance. You’ll find a small cave to the right with a den. The Diglett is next to the rock there.

Loop Lagoon - 7

There are seven Diglett in the Loop Lagoon.

Diglett 047

In front of the entrance to the Courageous Cavern.

Diglett 048

At the south end of the eastern beach.

Diglett 049

On the northern part of the rock in the center island.

Diglett 050

Next to the berry tree on the eastern part of the center island.

Diglett 051 and 052

One is in southwest end of the northern beach while other is at the top of the same beach.

Diglett 053

On the grass overlooking the lagoon near the Courageous Cave entrance.

Brawler’s Cave - 7

Brawler’s Cave has seven Diglett.

Diglett 054

Behind a rock near the small river near the entrance.

Diglett 055

Hidden behind a rock next to the area leading to higher ground.

Diglett 056

Behind a rock as you ascend the cave.

Diglett 057

Near the den at a high point of the cave.

Diglett 058

Near this collection of rocks as you ascend the cave.

Diglett 059

Near the entrance of Challenge Road.

Diglett 060

Behind these rocks near this woman in the blue shirt.

Challenge Road - 8

There are eight Diglett on Challenge Road.

Diglett 061

Near the entrance of Brawler’s Cave.

Diglett 062

On a cliff overlooking the sea.

Diglett 063

Next to the grass on the eastern high cliff near the den.

Diglett 064

Near this grass and rock in the middle of the staircase that separates the Training Lowlands and Challenge Road.

Diglett 065

On the high western cliff overlooking the Training Lowlands.

Diglett 066

On the high eastern cliff overlooking the sea.

Diglett 067

On the left side of the dojo.

Diglett 068

Near some grass and rocks right before the stairs leading up to the dojo.

Training Lowlands - 15

There are 15 Diglett in the Training Lowlands.

Diglett 069

Near the bridge next to the entrance of the Brawler’s Cave.

Diglett 070

On the other side of the bridge near the Brawler’s Cave.

Diglett 071

Near the stairs that lead up to the Challenge Road.

Diglett 072

In the center of this area along the rock wall next to these red flowers.

Diglett 073

Next to the water before the area where the small island is in a lake on the west side.

Diglett 074

Behind the tree near the lake with the small island on the west side.

Diglett 075

On the small island in the lake in the western side of this area.

Diglett 076

On the beach on the west side of this area.

Diglett 077

Hidden in the red flowers facing the entrance to the Warm-Up Tunnel.

Diglett 078

Near this round rock facing the entrance to the Warm-Up Tunnel.

Diglett 079

Near the grass and the den facing the entrance to the Warm-Up Tunnel.

Diglett 080

Near a tree in the northern part of this area.

Diglett 081

Next to the staircase leading to Challenge Road, there’s a pathway leading back towards a den. There’s a Diglett there.

Diglett 082

Near the bridge leading to the Forest of Focus.

Diglett 083

Near a large rock right next to the beach.

Challenge Beach - 9

There are nine Diglett on the Challenge Beach.

Diglett 084

On a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Diglett 085

On a cliff overlooking the ocean behind a tree in the grass.

Diglett 086

In the sand near the edge of the water near the dojo.

Diglett 087

Near a big rock facing the ocean near the dojo.

Diglett 088

Behind the concrete block on the right side of the dojo.

Diglett 089

Hidden in the grass near a rock by the river.

Diglett 090

Near a large rock on the southern end of the beach.

Diglett 091

Hidden in the grass between two rocks near the the southern end of the beach.

Diglett 092

In the sand near the water on the southern end of the beach.

Forest of Focus - 8

There are eight Diglett in the Forest of Focus.

Diglett 093

On the eastern side of southern part of the southern bridge.

Diglett 094

Near a berry tree on the east side of the forest.

Diglett 095

On the eastern side of the northern side of the northern bridge.

Diglett 096

Near the den east of the northern bridge.

Diglett 097

In the center of the northern section between grass and red flowers.

Diglett 098

Next to a tree in the northern section near some grass on its left.

Diglett 099

Near a berry tree and some grass on the western side.

Diglett 100

Near the river on the east side of the southern bridge.

Honeycalm Island - 11

There are 11 Diglett on the Honeycalm Island.

Diglett 101

On the western island with the round rock, in the yellow flowers.

Diglett 102

On the southwest island in the yellow flowers next to the den.

Diglett 103

On the southeast island between some grass near the den.

Diglett 104

On the eastern island in the sand.

Diglett 105

On the northeast island in the sand.

Diglett 106

On the northwest island near the tree.

Diglett 107

On the northwest island in the grass.

Diglett 108

Near the tree, in the red flowers facing west.

Diglett 109

Next to the tree facing south.

Diglett 110

Next to the tree in the red flowers facing southeast.

Diglett 111

Next to the rock on the southwest island.

Honeycalm Sea - 3

There are three Diglett in the Honeycalm Sea.

Diglett 112

On a small patch of land close its small beach and a den.

Diglett 113

Further back on the small patch of land where Diglett 112 is.

Diglett 114

On a small island facing Honeycalm Island.

Insular Sea - 6

There are six Diglett in the Insular Sea.

Diglett 115

On the northern part of the island near some grass.

Diglett 116

On the eastern part of the island in the sand.

Diglett 117

On the southern part of the island in red flowers.

Diglett 118, 119, and 120

On the small island to the east. You’ll see two Diglett in the sand, but there’s actually three in there.

Stepping-Stone Sea - 7

There are seven Diglett in the Stepping-Stone Sea.

Diglett 121

On a small, southern cliff facing the dojo.

Diglett 122

On a small, southern cliff facing the dojo in the red flowers.

Diglett 123

Along a cliff on the southwest.

Diglett 124

On the northwest side of the largest island near a tree and red flowers.

Diglett 125 and 126

On the small, circular island to the south.

Diglett 127

In the center of the long island to the south.

Workout Sea - 11

There are 11 Diglett in the Workout Sea.

Diglett 128

On the beach on the far west of this area.

Diglett 129

On the west side of the island in the southwest.

Diglett 130

In the center of the island in the southwest near the red flowers.

Diglett 131

On a small cliff on the east side of the island in the southwest

Diglett 132

Behind the rock on the southernmost island.

Diglett 133

In the middle of the large sandy island with the den.

Diglett 134

On the small island to the southeast.

Diglett 135

On the northern tip of the large, northeast island with the trees.

Diglett 136

In the sand in the northern part of the northeast island.

Diglett 137

Near a rock in the center of the northeast island.

Diglett 138

In the sand on the southeast side of the northeast island.

Warm-Up Tunnel - 3

There are three Diglett in the Warm-Up Tunnel.

Diglett 139

Near the entrance to the Training Lowlands.

Diglett 140

In the middle of the tunnel next to two rocks.

Diglett 141

Near the entrance to the Potbottom Desert.

Potbottom Desert - 10

There are 10 Diglett in the Potbottom Desert.

Diglett 142

To your immediate east upon exiting the Warm-Up Tunnel.

Diglett 143

Along the eastern wall near a rock.

Diglett 144

Along the northern wall near a rock.

Diglett 145

In the sand along the northern wall.

Diglett 146

In the sand along the eastern wall near a rock.

Diglett 147

Near a tree along the southeast wall.

Diglett 148

On a large dune in the southeast.

Diglett 149

Next to a tree next to the large dune in the southeast.

Diglett 150

On a medium sized dune in the center of the desert.

Diglett 151

Near a rock in the center of the desert.
