Who is Amira-Dior Traynham-Artis? Meet Brooklyn teen who made custom sneakers for Oscars 2023 nomine

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Sunday, September 15, 2024

Amira-Dior Traynham-Artis, a teenager from Brooklyn, New York, got a golden opportunity to exhibit her sneakers at the Oscars 2023 for its nominees.

From an early age, the sneaker crafter had a keen will to become an entrepreneur. With her mother's support, Amira-Dior successfully opened her own shoe line, LANE 1, and is now on her way to the 2023 Oscars to showcase her work.

As per the various news outlets, the teenage shoe designer will exhibit 75 pairs of her designed silhouettes to Oscar-nominated celebrities. She also dreams of having Zendaya wear her sneaker designs one day.

Amira-Dior Traynham-Artis' journey as a teen sneaker designer

The rich history of the Traynham family is the inspiration for Amira-Dior's love for fashion and business. As a young girl, she observed her mother, Brooklyn Assembly District 56 Leader Kenesha Traynham-Cooper, collaborate with her aunt on the development of creative apparel and footwear.

Kenesha, the teen sneaker designer's mother, told ABC7 News in an interview that she knew that her daughter had an eye for business from a young age. She said that when Amina is really interested in making something happen, she doesn't stop until she does it.

Talking about a phone call she received from her daycare when Amira-Dior was three, her mother Kenesha Traynham-Cooper said:

"She was cutting up pieces of paper at the table and we asked her what she was doing. And she said 'I'm giving out business cards,' just like that."

With a sense of empowerment and the mindset of a businesswoman, Traynham-Artis never stopped believing in herself. This led to her achieving her dream of representing her work at the Oscars.

During her interview with the ABC 7 News, the Brooklyn teenager said:

"Wow, I've come a very long way, I know if I was able to go back in the past and drag younger me right here, she would be so excited and so proud."

She also added:

"There's always going to be somebody who is going to try to tear you down, your job is to not allow them to do that."

Looking at her work, effort and determination, Amira-Dior Traynham-Artis has definitely come a long way. Next, she aims to work with sneaker giants like Nike and Adidas to grow her shoe line, LANE 1.

Traynham-Artis is working with Marc Joseph New York and Gernie NYC for the 2023 luxe gift suite

Brooklyn teen Amira-Dior working with Marc Joseph New York and Gernie NYC (Image via New York Post)

The 14-year-old's shoe line features made-to-order sneakers. As mentioned earlier, she will showcase 75 of her pieces in the hotel gift suite in Hollywood for the 2023 Oscars on March 13, 2023.

As reported by Good Morning America, it all started when the CEO of global brand execution platform DPA Group, Nathalie Dubois, noticed the teen's talent. Nathalie then invited Traynham-Artis to exhibit her sneakers in the 2023 luxe gift suite. In preparation for the big day, Amira-Dior has been working with Marc Joseph New York and Gernie NYC to craft 75 pieces of sneakers.

CEO of men’s lifestyle brand Gernie NYC, Jack Gernie Ashkenazi said:

"We want to bring stuff that pops, but doesn’t talk too loud."

Ashkenazi added that they wanted something that the celebrities will take one look at and say, "We like this brand going forward."

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